2016 / Programa Experimental ''O CINEMA É UMA VIAGEM DA LUZ''

sexta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2016

Programa de Cinema Experimental: O CINEMA É UMA VIAGEM DA LUZ
(Julho de 2016 na Cossoul)  

Neste âmbito, realizei o video-ensaio LIGHT MATTER:
Synopsis: Cinema is an art of the visible and of the invisible. The cinema experience happens within certain conditions that, although mutable, allow us to construct a sense of beyond, a place above the reality. In its concentration, inside of the darkness of the cinema room, the spectator lost the coordinates of time and space. The place where everything is possible is created.

Project developed in Lisbon for the program ''Cinema is a Journey of the Light'' - Whitenoise (30/9/2016 @ Cossoul, Lisbon, PT)
Copyright: GERMINAL

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